
Work Culture

Our Work Culture

"Our people are our assets" is our guiding value. We nurture our assets, provide them opportunity; training and resources to perform individually and as a team to earn rewards, recognition and accolades. Working with us is always a pleasing experience with optimum proportion of work and fun. Informal dress and vibrant weekends blended with a sense of teamwork have always been synonymous to our work culture since our inception.

Our innovative people practices such as the Performance Management System, Anytime Promotion Policy, Capability-Building Framework, Leadership Development Program and the Career Development System have led to the creation of highly motivated teams who are focused on achieving business objectives of our customers

Our work culture is characterized by: -

Comprehensive, Objective and High-Impact Job Profiles
You don't have to grope in dark, with us, your job profile is objective and comprehensive to ensure that you can concentrate over a well defined set of expectations.

Professional, Physical and Spiritual Development and Training
Important metrics of growth is measured from the overall growth of the skill matrix of company. Skills are evaluated and opportunities are provided for further learning to ensure a planned growth of your career. Our training programs are on par with elite universities and every year a large number of fresh graduates are galvanized into thorough professionals in their chosen fields.

Besides, honing the professional skills and personal development of our employees, we are also focused on their holistic development. Wellness Programs and Community Service Projects are undertaken by the company to ensure a holistic overall development of our personnel.

We are all Ears to Every Word You Speak
We support an open culture, every expression is looked into personally by our top management on priority. Tools such as Blogs and IM's have been designed and hosted on Intranet where employees can interact with each other, and Top management to ensure that you are heard and actions including policy decisions are taken proactively wherever needed.

We have introduced a new system of promotions. Under this system, employees can be promoted any time during the year if they meet the eligibility criteria. What is unique about the system is that employees have been encouraged to take responsibility for their own promotions.

Performance Management System
We continue to fortify and strengthen our Performance Management system. Our people practices are a reflection of our core values as an organization. The HR system and processes we have put in place over the last few years provide us with a good foundation on which we are building intangible, yet invaluable, assets such as empowered individuals, engaged teams and a high-performance culture.

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